Perfect Weather for a Trip to Utah! 

So, we are lucky enough to be able to do crazy things like this. It’s been years of being an airline pilot family and even our families don’t understand how we can live flying by the seat of our pants! We were sitting at JFK, waiting for a flight to Denver for a vacation that we had planned. While we were waiting, Mike checked the weather in Denver and a snow storm had closed down parts of  Rocky Mountain National Park. He said “Is there anywhere else you would like to go?” So, we looked at the weather and chose Utah! We changed to a flight to Salt Lake City and he made calls cancelling and booking rental cars and hotels and 4.5 hours later we were in Salt Lake City. We headed to Cedar Breaks and Bryce the next day and began our week trip through Utah which did end in Colorado before heading back to Salt Lake City. These are only some of my favorite photos. We had the best weather, saw amazing things and it was a perfect vacation, as always! Here’s to spontaneity!


Top 20 Favorite Photos From Alaska Trip (Seattle and Victoria are there too)

I’ve always wanted to explore, or at least see Alaska. I did go to college for Wildlife Biology and although that is not the degree that I graduated with, it was not a lack of interest nor passion that made me switch majors. What I really wanted to be was a National Geographic Photographer, but exactly how was I to do that and have a family and be a wife/mom? So, especially because I was going to marry a pilot who would also be gone because of his career, I had to make a choice between struggling to do that and having and raising a family. I chose the latter and a career that would navigate me through the fjords of human emotion. Last week I was blessed to be able to take a cruise on a ship that navigated me through a fjord in Alaska and was blessed again with being able to experience the beauty that made me want to be a wildlife biologist.  I saw whales and sea lions and seals and eagles, all in their natural habitat. I saw glaciers that came right down to the ocean or river and I saw a glacier calve in the silence of a fjord in the wee hours of the morning. Seals/sea lions were floating on little icebergs that broke off of the glacier. I saw unspoiled gorgeous landscape that can only be accessed by boat and/or plane.  Some of this I captured in photos and some is only imprinted on my memory. I only saw a smidgen of Alaska and some of Seattle and Victoria, BC. I met some wonderful people and had the best time with the best traveling buddy ever. I learned about bible journaling and diving into the word of God with paint in hand. God painted this gorgeous world and it’s OK to paint gorgeous pages onto the Word of God!  As a matter of fact, I’m sure that it makes him happy. So, here are a few photos that cannot begin to do the lovely works of God justice, but I continue to try! I look forward to keeping in touch with the wonderful people that I met on the cruise and delve more into the word of God in my journaling bible!



My love of Alsace France in Photos

I’m blessed to have been able to go here twice this year. I absolutely love Alsace. 


I love the ancient walled cities, the gorgeous vineyards, the colors, the  way everything is decorated with beautiful flower boxes, the culture, the old churches, the statues of Jesus everywhere and of course the food and wine. I love everything about this charming part of the world. 











My Top 20 photos from Alsace France (difficult to choose!)

The Alsace wine road travels along a line of the most charming villages I’ve ever seen. Some villages are enclosed by ancient wall fortresses. Each little village is nestled in the foothills of the Vosges Mountains across the large valley from the Alps in Germany. The villages are full of colorful old houses, many with wisteria growing up the sides. Stork nests sit on top of the beautiful ancient churches. Vineyards surround the villages and beautiful castles top the hills. This is someplace I plan to visit and explore often!           IMG_9959                                       

Australia Vacation

A year ago today I was flying across the world to come back home from my Australia vacation. It was an amazing experience which still feels like a dream. It was so wonderful to see my gorgeous friend Diane and her family and see the amazing places and things in Australia that we learn about our whole lives. Some of my favorite photos and more to follow!ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

Top Ten Things I love About Maine in the Summer in Photos

Coastal Maine in the summertime is one of my favorite places on Earth. There are many things that photos cannot capture, the smell of balsam fir mixed with the salty ocean air, of lobster pounds boiling sea water and lobster, or of the mudflats at low-tide, the sound of the bells on the navigation buoys dinging on the waves, the fog horns on a foggy day, or the sound of the round granite rocks rolling against each other as the waves go out and carry them across each other. I love the cool summer days where you can wear a sweatshirt when the rest of the country is baking. Acadia National Park is amazing and the small coastal towns and fishing villages are gems to explore. Summer also brings the time for whale watching and Puffin tours. It is gorgeous here in the fall as well. I lived in Maine for years in all seasons and I’ve lived in and visited many other places, but I have never found another place in the summer that is as charming and feeds my soul like the coast of Maine.

1. Gorgeous Views


2. Exploring the Beaches




3. Enjoying the Lighthouses


4. Playing on the Rocks



5. Gorgeous Sunrises and Sunsets



6. Boating


7. Lobster Feasts with Lobster Right off the Boat




8. Cool “New England” Weather When Everyone Else is Hot!



9. Listening to the Waves


10. Exploring Small Coastal Town Coffee Shops

