Monarchs Return 

In the Autumn I have always loved the time in September where the last cycle of monarchs hatch and get ready to migrate. We would always find the caterpillars eating the milkweed – so I always let the milkweed grow in my gardens and have even planted different kinds. I became a part of and started tagging them to see where they ended up. Three years ago,  in the fall we didn’t see one caterpillar and I never saw a monarch.  The same thing happened last year. I’ve been worried about the Monarchs. This year they are back! The caterpillars have been eating our milkweed and I’ve seen chrysalis’ and over the last few days our yard has been decorated with monarchs in flight and many stocking up on nectar from our purple wild flowers (ok, so I have complained to my husband that he let the purple flowered weeds grow up near the grapevines- and thank heavens he did because it’s become a nursery for newly hatched monarchs!). I’ve spent many patient moments trying to catch the perfect photo as the newly hatched monarchs spread their wings to dry them and exercise for flight. They are gorgeous blessings and in my opinion the most awesome example of God’s amazing work.